MY Story

Do you often feel not quite right or exhausted and depleted most of the time? Do you spend time and money trying to figure out why and get confused by doctors, healers, friends, social media and Dr. Google?

That used to be me!

My Vibe Journey

I was on top of each fitness craze (Tae Bo about 5 minutes after giving birth – only a slight exaggeration). I jumped on each new diet bandwagon, only to fall off a few days later when my brain was foggy, my energy tanked, and I couldn’t get through more than a few minutes without thinking about my next meal. Friends, it wasn’t just the perfect diet or fitness routine that eluded me.  My mind was a mess, too.  I felt lost and empty.  

Ya Feel me???

It took a little time and a lot of experimenting, but I finally liberated myself from the self-destructive cycle that plagued me for years and built nurturing and sustainable habits that allow me to continue to grow and thrive – My V I B E!                                                   

What does V I B E Health look like in real life? It means starting each day grateful to be alive and passionate about the people with whom I share my life and this beautiful universe. It means eating simple, whole foods that taste delicious and fuel my body.

It means moving my body Every.  Single.  Day.

It means breathing deeply, enjoying nature, indulging in self-care, laughing loudly, singing and dancing, praying often, reading voraciously, hugging long and hard, spending time with positive people who feed my soul, loving big enough to risk getting hurt, and best of all, sharing how to do all of this with YOU!

Are you ready to find YOUR vibe?


As a psychology student at The University of Michigan, I developed an interest in human performance, specifically how nutrition, exercise and mindset could affect one’s physical and emotional health. I used myself as a Guinea pig to try out different diets, exercise regimens and mental practices. In my early business career, my passion was creating employee wellness initiatives and then quantifying how happy, healthy employees impact a company’s bottom line. Always interested in health and wellness, even more so as I started my family, I continued to experiment on myself, my family and my friends! As I continued to grow and learn more and more about nutrition, fitness, yoga and mindfulness, I started to have some personal health breakthroughs! I was so excited about my transformation and the changes my family and friends were making as a result, I expanded my coaching and created Vibe Health!

Professional Training

I hold certifications through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN) in NYC and  Dr. Josh Axe’s Institute for Nutritional Leadership. 

I have studied yoga for over 10 years and received my professional training through a very comprehensive 200 hour certification program at Inner Bliss Yoga Studio, the Cleveland area’s premier yoga community.  I continue to take professional courses to expand my knowledge and enrich my offering as an instructor.

I’ve studied with and continue my education with the world’s most influential health and wellness experts, fitness leaders and yoga and mindfulness gurus:

Mark Hyman, MD, Director of The Cleveland Clinic Center for Functional Medicine, Founder and Medical Director of The UltraWellness Center, Bestselling Author

Deepak Chopra, MD World Leader in Mind-Body Medicine, Director of Education at The Chopra Center, Bestselling Author

Josh Axe, DNM, DC, CNS, Founder of, the No. 1 natural health website in the world today, Bestselling Author

Andrew Weil, MD,  Expert on Integrative Medicine and Mind-Body Interactions, Bestselling Author

Max Strom, World renowned yoga teacher, global speaker including three TEDx appearances, Bestselling Author

Todd Drybread, DC, Chiropractor, health coach, yoga instructor, Certified Exercise Specialist, Triathlete

Tara Brach, PhD, Clinical psychologist, internationally renowned meditation teacher, Bestselling Author and podcaster with over a million downloads each month

Ty M. Bollinger, Creator of two groundbreaking documentary series on cancer treatment: 

The Quest for the Cures (2014) and The Truth about Cancer: A Global Quest (2015), Bestselling Author

Dave Asprey, Creator of Bulletproof Coffee, host of the #1 health podcast, Bulletproof Radio, Bestselling Author

Sara Gottfried, Harvard-trained MD, Founder of The Gottfried Institute, Bestselling Author

Marc David, M.A., Founder of Institute for the Psychology of Eating, clinical expert in Dynamic Eating Psychology and Mind Body Nutrition

Mark Sisson, Former elite endurance athlete, founder of Primal Kitchen with pantry staples in grocery stores nationwide, founder of and Bestselling Author.

David Katz, MD, MPH, Authority on Preventive Medicine and Weight Management, Director of the Yale Prevention Research Center

Gabrielle Bernstein, Motivational Speaker, Life Coach, Bestselling Author

Joshua Rosenthal, MScEd, Founder and director of the Institute for Integrative Nutrition


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