Bulletproof Your Family – Build Immunity
I’ve heard so many people lately talk about bouncing from one cold to the next, feeling like the season is one long string of sickness! We can’t live in a bubble when we fall under the weather, so I’ll share my tried and true ways to relieve illness before it starts! The first line of defense is choosing a healthy lifestyle! Every system in your body functions better when you don’t smoke, drink alcohol only in moderation, minimize stress, choose whole foods, not highly processed, exercise regularly, get quality sleep and maintain a healthy weight. If you’re managing these things, you’re ahead of the game!
Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” ~Hippocrates
If you haven’t already eliminated fast-food and processed foods and added sugars from your diet, that’s a good place to start. Those foods create inflammation in the body and make it harder for your body to fight off illness. Choose REAL food like fruits, vegetables, meat, seafood, eggs and natural fats. This may be the single most important thing you can do to prevent not only seasonal illness, but also MOST illness.
Extras for Seasonal Threats
In addition to maintaining a healthy lifestyle, here are some things I do from fall to spring to reduce the risk of seasonal threats.
Essential Oils– it’s not really fair to put this in the Extras category since I use these daily and year-round, but the ones I use regularly this time of the year are the doTerra OnGurad and Breathe blends. I either diffuse them or rub them into my chest with a carrier oil like coconut oil. They smell amazing and are so effective with respiratory issues and immunity!
Morning Detox Drink– warm water, 1T apple cider vinegar, ¼-1/2 freshly squeezed lemon, 1t raw local honey
Saline Nasal Spray– morning & evening to keep cilia (little hairs in your nose) healthy. Cilia trap bacteria to keep them from entering your lungs. Keeping your nasal passage moist during the dry months in winter just feels good, too!
Herbal Throat Spray– morning and evening as an easy way to add immune boosting herbs to your body. Look for one with echinacea; my favorites are Zand HerbalMist Throat Spray is my favorite (Amazon).
Probiotics– gut health has been linked to a weakened immune system so it is helpful to consume probiotic foods like plain yogurt or kefir, cultured vegetables (sauerkraut, kimchi), kombucha, apple cider vinegar, miso. You can also take a probiotic supplement.
Vitamin D3– reduces susceptibility to infection and increases immunity. Everyone should have their D3 tested and address deficiencies. Dr. Amy Myers, autoimmune expert is a great resource for how and when to supplement. https://www.amymyersmd.com/2016/06/vitamin-d/
The Onset of Illness
If your best efforts have failed and you feel the slightest symptoms such as fatigue, muscle aches, tickling in the throat, sneezing or runny nose, act quickly to stop a cold in its tracks or at least reduce the length and severity.
Vitamin C– lots of it! I’ll admit it, I use Airborne 3x daily. It’s not “natural” or organic and it has some questionable ingredients, but I hate swallowing pills and chewable forms are sour and chalky! Until I find a doctor willing to administer by IV, I’ll stick to this easy form that also acts as a multi-vitamin with minerals and herbs. Here is an abstract on using Vitamin C if you want the science https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3783921/
Elderberry Syrup– Many studies have found that when elderberry is used within the first 48 hours of the onset of symptoms, it reduces the severity of symptoms and length of colds and flu by several days. My family uses Elderberry Elixer from The Herb Room Apothecary. They recommend daily use during cold and flu season.
Immune Boost Tincture– This blend, also from The Herb Room Apothecary (I recommend all of their products) contains several herbs known to boost immunity.
Essential Oils– This could be a whole blog post, but even if I have been around anyone who is sick, I diffuse doTerra oregano, tea tree, lemon and peppermint. Oregano oil is a powerful natural immune booster and helps fight against unwanted bacteria and pathogens. It can be used in a traditional essential oil diffuser, but I have found amazing results using it in this nebulizing diffuser.
Rest– I know that you can’t stop your life for each little sniffle, but if you can slow down and listen to the wisdom your body holds, it will go a long way to make you feel better. Allow yourself to say NO to extras that can wait until later, go to bed early, take a nap if you can.
Bone Broth & Chicken Soup– the oldest remedy in the book, but it still works! My article on Chicken Soup explains why it’s effective and includes my recipe. (LINK)
Detox Bath– a relaxing bath is an easy and inexpensive way to relax, promote sleep and draw toxins from your body. Add 1-2C Epsom salt, 1C baking soda and several drops of essential oils like lavender and eucalyptus to the hottest water you can tolerate and soak for 20 minutes. Wrap yourself in a towel when you are done and let your body continue to sweat out toxins for another 10 minutes.
Herbal Teas– you can find several types of herbal tea in grocery and health food stores to help with sore throat, stuffy nose, sore muscles and upset stomach. Adding some raw, local honey adds additional comfort, taste and immunity benefits.
Manuka Honey– I give this to my kids to soothe a sore throat and as a natural cough syrup. It is produced in New Zealand and is a very beneficial form of honey known to heal sore throats and help relieve Staph infections. It has powerful antioxidants and is a rich natural antimicrobial agent. It has many other benefits like relieving seasonal threats, healing skin issues like burns, acne and eczema, and can helps treat intestinal issues like acid reflux.
As you can see, there are so many ways to build immunity and treat the onset of seasonal threats this season. The best thing you can do is to spend time daily creating a healthy lifestyle for you and your family. If you are looking for more ideas on how to create optimal wellness, I would love to work with you! Contact me here…