You may have read my recent social media post about finding a way to love yourself…
I’m speaking to women {{of a certain age}} this morning. There is a natural softening and slowing down that comes with the second half of life that has ceased to be acceptable in our country. We go to gyms, studios, salons and doctors seeking a better body, better face, better hair. We compare ourselves to younger women, surgically enhanced women, airbrushed women, filtered women. Why do we work so hard to look like women half our ages, expecting the same results for the same effort? Because age is no longer respected in our culture. Youth and perfection are the valued above experience and wisdom. Maybe we can’t change society today, but we can change our MINDS today! We can take a giant breath in and find gratitude for being above ground, gratitude for lungs that pull in air, gratitude for a body that still does what we really need it to do. And then we can let out a really long exhale and be so thankful that we don’t have to be tweens, teens, young women and young mothers in a time where social media records your every move creating envy and self-loathing. I’m not saying stop trying to be healthy – by all means follow my advice with nutrition, exercise and self-care! Just add in a little compassion and self-love. I’m almost 53. I have wrinkles. I have a chicken neck and saggy boobs. I have a pooch on my belly that’s here to stay. I have knee wrinkles. I’m not as strong as I used to be, and I forget things easily. I’m learning to be at peace with all of that and focus on all of the MANY blessings in my life. I hope all of you can practice having a softer mind and heart to match the softer body that goes along with being a woman {{of a certain age}}.
I got such great feedback on this post, even from people outside of my intended audience! It resonates with everyone to be easier on yourself because everyone knows the feeling of being our own worst critic. That inner voice is mean, isn’t it? It seeks out the teeniest little flaws and blows them up larger than life. I know because she speaks to me every single day. Looking from the outside, you see a tall and thin woman, posting about fabulous health, fun-filled days and amazing relationships…I’ve got it all, right?!? I do and I’m so grateful, but I practice harder than you’ll ever know being ok with the small, SMALL imperfections in my life. I am a recovering type-A personality! I have hated my body and felt insecure about myself my entire life. I never felt pretty. I never felt smart enough. I never felt accepted for exactly who I was. I put on a great show and tried to please everyone, but at the price of my own health and happiness. Things are different now. With some therapy, tons of education, practicing yoga and meditation, developing a rich spiritual life and getting really clear about who and what I let into my life, I am inching toward acceptance and being present in each and every moment I am blessed to breathe on this earth. My hope for you is the same, that with each day, you practice being gentle with yourself. You deserve it! XO Laura